Why I Switched Back to Drinking Cow’s Milk

It started with almond milk and then it quickly became a variety of non-dairy milk options from nut milks to oat milk. While I don’t have an allergy to lactose keeping me away from cows milk, I strictly consumed non-dairy milks for the longest time because I thought that they were “healthier”. But also, I’m not a drinking a glass of milk type of gal.

Recently, however, I switched back to cow’s milk as my milk of choice because it has better for you ingredients. And by better ingredients I mean one ingredient, milk. Cow’s milk has a variety of vitamins and minerals naturally occurring compared to non-dairy options. Although the quality of non-dairy milk options has changed for the better and there are a lot of good options, I find that they are often more expensive and are available in smaller volumes.

Cow’s milk really is a well-rounded nutritious food providing high-quality protein, a variety of different types of fat, and carbs in the form of lactose (which is the component that some people may have an allergy to). We commonly know milk as a good source of calcium, but it really provides us with almost every nutrient we need to function including B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, and vitamin A. It is important to note that some milk is fortified with vitamin D and that vitamin D is not naturally occurring in cow’s milk.

How to choose the right cow’s milk for you:

  • Look for organic options. Organic means the cows are raised in more managed environment and feeding on a 100% organic diet yielding more nutritious milk with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals.

  • Choose milk from grass-fed cows. The difference between milk from grass-fed cows and conventional milk is the cows’ diet. Grass-fed cows graze on grass resulting in higher quality milk. Cows fed a conventional diet may be fed grains, corn, and other human food byproducts as well as be given growth hormones and other antibiotics which means that if these things are in the milk the cow produces that you ultimately ingest those things as well.

  • Unprocessed milks are better in terms of nutritive quality. What I mean by this is whole milk vs. low-fat milk varieties. Low-fat cows milks have been processed to remove fat which means it loses vitamins and minerals in the process. If it’s not whole milk, then it must be fortified with vitamin A to replete what was lost during processing.

  • Glass containers is the most non-toxic and better for the planet since most glass containers can be reused. Check with your grocery store, but most times glass milk containers have a cash back system where if you return them to the store you get money back. If glass is not available, then either plastic or the cartons are find options.

  • Raw milk simply means no processing or pasteurization has been done to the milk preserving all the original nutritive components. Very rarely raw milk may contain harmful pathogens. If you do opt for raw milk, make sure you find a trusted farmer or brand that goes through frequent testing to ensure the quality of their milk.

Preferred cows milk brands: Strauss Family Creamery Organic, Maple Hill Organic, Organic Valley Grassmilk

If you still prefer non-dairy milk or have a lactose allergy, here are some of my tips for how to choose the right non-dairy milk for you:

  • Look for brands with minimal ingredients. Less ingredients means there are likely less fillers, flavorings, and other unwanted added ingredients. If you don’t recognize multiple ingredients listed, it’s probably best to put that one back on the shelf and find a different option.

  • Look for unsweetened options to reduce the amount of added sugar.

  • Organic is best when possible and available

Preferred brands: Malk, Three Trees, Califia Farms

Even better, you can make your own non-dairy milk at home with just a few ingredients using a high speed blender. Here’s my favorite recipe:

Cashew Milk Base

1 cup raw cashews

4 cups filtered water

1 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

Options add-ins:

3-5 pitted dates

3 tablespoons maple syrup

Cup sub cashews for other nuts including almonds, pecans, etc.

 Flavor combinations:

Chocolate nut milk

Cashew milk base

3 pitted dates

1/4 cup cocoa powder

Pinch of cinnamon (optional)

 Vanilla Cinnamon

Cashew milk base

2 tsp cinnamon

Additional 1 tsp vanilla extract


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